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Plumbing Maintenance Tips – The Ultimate Guide

You can take care of routine plumbing issues without a license or training. Besides leaks, other minor issues can snowball into major ones requiring Brooklyn plumbing services

Pipe Repair
Plumbing Issues

Top 5 Plumbing Maintenance Tips That Can Save Money 

Before searching for plumbing repair, use these simple maintenance tips to maintain your pipes and fixtures:

Check for Leaks Regularly

With time, pipes corrode, and their connections loosen, which can lead to leaks. These can range from drips to streams of water that can cause a flood and water damage. While you cannot check the pipes in your walls, you can examine the pipes underneath the sink for leaks. 

Besides puddles and drips, check for damp floors and walls. The leak may be inside your walls. To check, note the reading on your water meter and recheck it in an hour. If there is an increase and you don’t use any water, your pipes are leaking. 

Check for toilet leaks by adding a few drops of food coloring to the tank. Wait a few minutes and check the bowl. If you see color, consider replacing the flapper.

Don’t Throw Everything Down the Drain

A clogged drain can make your sink, tubs, and toilets overflow. These are usually caused by obstructions that shouldn’t be thrown down drains in the first place. Here are some plumbing tips you can use to prevent clogs:

Plumbing Maintenance
Plumbing Repair
  • Place a hair catcher over the shower drain to prevent hair from going down the pipes. Clean it out after every shower so it isn’t blocked. 
  • Only flush human waste and toilet paper down the toilet. Sanitary products and wipes cannot disintegrate and will eventually clog the sewage line.
  • Never pour grease down the toilet. It will harden and cause sewage backup. 

 If your sewer is backed up, experienced plumbers can unclog it using high-pressure water jets. 

Prevent Frozen Pipes

When temperatures drop outside, your pipes can freeze and burst, causing floods and irreparable damage. You can prevent that by using these tips:

For Outdoor Plumbing

Remove all garden hoses from outdoor faucets before the temperature drops. Additionally, shut off the main valve to prevent drips and cover the faucets to keep cold air out of the pipes.

For Indoor Plumbing 

Your indoor pipes can also freeze if it is exposed to cold air. If your furnace breaks down or shuts off while you are out, you may return to chaos. If you will be gone for a few days, turn your thermostat down, but not enough to turn off the furnace. 

For Indoor/Outdoor Plumbing 

The pipes along your exterior walls can also freeze if they aren’t insulated, even if your furnace is on. Prevent that from happening by opening the sink cabinets before you leave so warm air can come in. Plus, run your faucets on a slow drip to prevent pipes from freezing. 

You can keep exterior pipes by addressing sealing gaps. Search for drafts and cold spots and add insulation where needed. This will keep hot air in and keep the cold out so your pipes won’t freeze. 

Don’t Abuse Your Garbage Disposal

Garbage disposals are invaluable but can become a problem if you shove everything down them. It isn’t a trash can. These items can cause the disposal to back up or overflow:

  • Shells, bones, and other hard objects
  • Grease and fat
  • Starchy wet food such as bread, rice, pasta, etc.
  • Tough meat
  • Coffee grounds
  • Potato peels
  • Fibrous and stringy produce and meat
  • Pits, seeds, and nuts
  • Food items with a membrane, such as eggshells and onions

If you need help finding where to chuck an unfamiliar item, throw it in the trash to be safe. The blades in the disposal can get dull with excessive use. If it breaks down, you will need to hire plumbing maintenance services. 

Control Your Water Heater’s Temperature

Brooklyn winters are brutal. With temperatures dropping to -10°F, your water heater has to work twice as hard to heat water for your bath. The last thing you need is a breakdown. Here are some tips that can prevent that from happening:

  • Flush the water heater to remove all sediment. This can otherwise corrode the anode rod in the tank, reducing the heater’s efficiency and lifespan. 
  • Maintain the temperature at 120°F for the best performance. 
  • Test the pressure release valve by lifting the lever and letting go. If it works correctly, you should see a burst of hot water in the drain. Don’t test the valve in units that are five years old or older. You may cause a leak in the weakened system, but plumbing maintenance professionals won’t. 

If you have more plumbing issues than you can handle, consider hiring professional plumbers. They can also tell you how to save on water and energy costs. Opt for professionals who offer heating, gas services, sewer inspection, and other standard plumbing services. They have the experience and skills to do a thorough job.